
Lazy days of winter..

The lower back and legs feel good this morning, maybe just a slight burning that I notice right after I get up. My shoulders though still feel like I have been sleeping on them wrong. This morning they are so sore that I contemplated not blogging until later. Since this has been going on for more then I would think is a normal pulled muscle all I can think is that this is somehow related to the arachnoiditis.

It looks like this summer my family will be having a reunion. Since my most of my family lives on the East coast I believe they are planning to have it somewhere along the coast. In fact my family is the only one that lives West of Pennsylvania. I am looking forward to seeing everyone as it has been 6 years since we were all together and that was for my sisters wedding. Of course my brother and I were both married the following years (99 & 00) so no one came out for ours... It's ok, mine was a small ceremony at my parents Bed & Breakfast.

Not much on the agenda for today, maybe some boob tube and working on some more flash projects. I am getting the hang of it but I for some reason have problems with the size of the presentations. Even though I select the size when I am starting the project when I export the .swf and play it in the browser it takes up the whole thing and is obviously distorted. If anyone has a tip or any pointers I am open ears.

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