

The Super Bowl finally ended and the The Simpsons came on, about an hour late. Oh how I was disappointed by the horrible effort put on by the producers of this episode.

I am a huge Simpsons fan and have the first four seasons on DVD and will be picking up the 5th this week. I generally love to watch this show and think it is probably one of the best things on TV for the past decade. But after watching last nights show I was speechless. Without a doubt it was horrible, and just like Homer waited until the last minute to plan his Super Bowl halftime show it so seems that the producers did the same thing. It was unimaginative and left me a little peeved over the loss of the time I will not be getting back waiting and then watching this fiasco.

I guess I have some comfort in knowing that by the end of the week I will have 22 episodes I know I will like as well as the extras that come along with the discs.

When the Simpsons were over I just put the TV on the news channel and tried to get some sleep which turned in to me just lying there listening to the pinging of sleet on my roof and the wind blowing the turbines around. They sound like someone needs to go up there and throw some 3 and 1 oil or WD-40, however that someone will not be me.

This morning there is a sheet of ice on my front stairs and walk which made getting to the car a bit tricky. Then once I got to the car it was nothing but ice on the windows. Rather then hurt myself trying to scrape the windows off and not wanting to fight my way back up the porch, I sat in the car and waited for the heat to clear the windows. I tried once before to clear the windows and paid for it with a huge muscle spasm, I was not up to that again.

Considering it is so cold this morning and I had to wait to take my meds I am doing ok. My back and legs are only slightly numb and there is not much burning. A small knot in the middle of my back but other then that everything this morning is going good. It only makes me wonder what is in store for me for the rest of the day!

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