
Finished, almost...

While my back is screaming at me to go lay in the recliner, I needed to get some work done on a web site.

I have been developing a new site for a company that had a web presence but a weak one at best. They were getting raked over the coals for server space and killed on maintenance fees for something that was not being maintained at all.

I had originally started this project using ULEAD's Photo XL for graphic design and Macromedia Fireworks and Dreamweaver for the rest. I was about 1/2 way through when I scrapped it and started all over again as I had a better idea.

Using a CSS editor that has a layout designer on it I was able to create a template and then simply adjust each pages content, much like a blog. It is still not finished as I am waiting on some feedback from the owner and some server side things to be fixed but when it is over I will integrate a database that I created that will allow them to enter their jobs on the site. Then they will be indexed and searchable by visitors and based on their preferences given a detailed or a synopsis of the data.

It has been a LONG time since I have done a lot of this, heck it has been probably 3 years since my last class in programming which was intro to VB 6.0. I never took the second part of the class though as it conflicted with my sleeping time. Yes, I was one of those students who refused to take a class before noon. I was a full time student, worked full time and I have children. Something had to give!!!

Funny thing is I got the idea to change the basic design for the site after blog surfing and seeing all the neat blogs. Layouts that are easy to design and can easily be altered. I do not know why I was going about things the hardway. I just got Macromedia Flash, so I think I was looking to do more of a flash enabled site then anything else. After seeing all the blogs and how quick and easily they load I realized that a flash site was 1- gaudy and 2- they take time to load.

I like flash sites, they can be done up very nice. I don't like having to wait for the damn things to load or the fact that some people forget to put the little "skip intro" on them.

Anyway, I am tickled pink with myself this evening. Especially since the last few days (as the lack of posting shows) have been a real humdinger.

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