
Act like a heterosexual you will get treated like one...

story here

This is the story of a lesbian women who adopted her "lovers" natural children in 1997. The relationship apparently did not last and when the women went their separate ways the adoptive mother tried to have the adoption vacated. This apparently was denied by the courts and at about the same time the mother of the children filed for child support from the adoptive mother. The payment of child support was upheld by the district court and that has set off a storm of public opinion from both sides of the fence. Not at all surprising is the stance taken by those in support of gay and lesbian relationships in response to this decision.

This is not a pick and choose item here. When you adopted those children you made the commitment to support them no matter what. You do not get to say well, I do not love their mother anymore so I should not have to pay, and uh oh yea I would like to void the adoption. I mean if this were a heterosexual couple, where the man adopted the women's children and then they divorced he would be legally responsible for the support owed. If he tried to file a suit to severe the adoption he would be dragged through the court system as well as the court of public opinion. His life would be turned upside down and inside out and he would be treated like a leper everywhere he went. Yet, we will treat this women different because she is a lesbian.

This is yet one more instance where a gay person wants to have all the legal rights and responsibilities of a heterosexual, but only when it is convenient for them. This is complete bullshit and I hope the appeals courts (because you know she will appeal) uphold the lower courts rulings.

I am not a homophobe by any means of the word, but I do find homosexuality morally repugnant. That said I am all about letting these people live their lives but they cannot have their cake and eat it too. I am tired of hearing about how the feel repressed and blah blah blah. Maybe if they stopped pulling stunts like this, maybe if they stopped trying to push their lifestyle on the rest of us, just maybe they would feel differently.

You can only push so far before you get pushed back. It seems like at every turn we have to hear about how we should be teaching our children about "blended families" or families where the parents are homosexual lovers and that this is "normal" behavior. No, we should not have to teach this to our children because this is far from normal. If that is the way you choose to live your life, then by all means go for it but that does not mean I have to teach my kids about your immoral and deviant behaviors. It is reasons like these that my wife and I decided to enroll our children in Catholic school. No more worrying about what the crappy public school system is cramming in their heads thanks to a minority of people pushing their agendas with court orders.

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