

Well I thought the new AC adapter would fix the power problem on the laptop but it did not. After talking with Tech support the laptop is heading back to the manufacturer tomorrow for them to repair. The good news is they pay for shipping and are sending a Fed-Ex call tag tomorrow to get it. The ok news is that it should be no longer then 5-7 days, including tomorrow, to get it back. The bad news, if it is a broken post it is going to be $700.

Now I don't think it is a broken post as I can clearly see the nipple on it. The Tech support girl and I both thought the same thing though and that is that the AC adapter on the mother board is loose and needs fixing. If that is all it is then it is covered under warranty.

I was worried about shipping it to them but I have the box and the packing foam it came in so it will be sent back to them with their own shipping specs. Since it is that way then they have insured it for replacement. They also told me I can take out the hard drive and battery before shipping as they will use their own for testing purposes.

Now what really blows is that I will have to use the desktop to post so I don't think I will be posting much over the next week or so. My wife is home during the day so I will have time for one or two posts but sitting in the chair hurts so I have to limit my time.


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