
Hi ho. hi ho, it's off to school we go...

My son has been having trouble with math in school and rather then ask us or even his teacher for help he has been "forgetting" to bring home his text or he hs been telling us that he has no homework.

Now since this is some of the same crap I pulled when I was a kid I got with his teacher and sorted the whole thing out. It seems that he did not want to ask for help as he feared the other kids might make fun of him. While I can appreciate that in 6th grade your friends and what they think carries a lot of weight, we let him know that if he has trouble now with some of the basic concepts of math he will only be more frustrated later when he is taking higher level math.

The teacher and I both talked to him and let him know that we are here to help but we can only do so if he let's us know what he is having problems with. I also got her to send him home with another math textbook to alleviate any of this "I forgot" crap he hs been pulling. Of course he was shocked when I told him that this did not alleviate his responsibility of bringing his home. The look on his face was priceless! He apparently also told the teacher that he knows I am a whiz at math but by the time he needed help he was so far behind he did not know what to do.

Well now that we know he needs help we can put a plan in place and get him up to speed. In addition to the text book the teacher and I have contact through email and she is going to start sending home his assignments by email as well as his assignment book and in addition to the regular work she is going to send me copies of some of the handouts so he can work on those on his spare time. I am sure that we should be able to get him on his way in the next few weeks.

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