
It's getting there...

Slowly but surely it is all coming back to me. I have been fixing little things with the blog such as item titles and recent posts which were left off the template I was using. Easy and quick fixes once I pulled my head out of my fourth point of contact. It has to have been 5 years since I last used Style Sheets...

I still have whatever crappy virus this is and it now seems my state has issued a flu warning after the first fatality of the season. I haven't been running a fever but I have that muscular ache and my stomach feels like I have been at sea for a year. So far all I have wanted to eat is rolaids and ginger ale, which sucks because my wife made Talapia (with rosemary) and my wild mushroom and 5 cheese risotto. It smells so good, but I am afraid if I eat it I will spend the rest of the night in the bathroom.

The good news is that my legs and back feel pretty good today. A slight ache this morning but that is usual after being in bed all night. The doctor said that is more likely the osteoarthritis acting up and that once I start moving it loosens up. I think I could deal with that if it was the only thing. LOL! I did have one other concern this morning and that was after I took the Kadian. We did up the dose last week but that was taking 2X30mg and today I started the new prescription in a single dose of 50mg. I know it is 10mg less but for some reason it did make me kind of loopy for about 2 hours. It actually kind if freaked me out since that has not happened with the Kadian before and if it had gone much longer I would have been stumbling my loopy ass to the hospital.

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