
Kids can be so cute...

We bought this for my son for Christmas and he is sitting down playing with it right now. He is so funny when he is playing, like he is determined and on a mission. Everytime he finds the right hole for the shape and puts it in he then pulls apart the whole thing and takes the animal out. It is kind of funny to watch him just sit there and sing to himself and play. If you like good wooden toys from a company who cares about quality as well as providing a good deal check out Gummy Lump as they carry some great stuff and have excellent prices.

He also loves to play with my wife's keyboards. I moved them down to the floor for him and he will just sit there and change the instruments and then play the different songs stored in the memory. It is probably the one thing he gravitates to all the time. If we put up all the books and toys he will go straight for the keyboards and play away.

What I find cutest though is when he is "singing." There is no real words and no set melody and sometimes he goes for 5 minutes and other days he might go for an hour at a time.

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