
These freaking shoulders...

My shoulders hurt so badly last night that they woke me several times. One time I remember wincing in pain, it just hurts so much that no position is comfortable and I can find no link between this and the arachnoiditis so I am stumped.

The only way to describe the pain is like I have done before, almost like if you have slept on your side to long and your muscles become stiff from being in one position to long. It is both sides, the right more so then the left however, and the meds do not seem to have any effect on it. My wife has told me to call my primary car doc but I have held off. I am tired of having to pay the co-pay to see my doctor every third day for a new symptom, it is starting to get expensive. Since I will be seeing the pain doc in a week and change I will just wait until then and talk to him about it.

All the snow they called for turned out to be a light drizzle. You have to hand it to the meteorologists, they get paid whether they are right or wrong. My wife studied atmospheric science in College, so naturally we are glued to the weather channel quite often.

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