
Man they are quick!!!

Well HP fixed and shipped my laptop the same day they received it and it is scheduled to be delivered on Monday before 3pm. I am ecstatic as I expected to really be without it until Friday next week.

Better yet is that it was covered under the warranty and everything was done free, including the shipping both ways. When I sent it to them they had a fed ex guy come to my house, he checked the package and then printed out a label right there and took it. The world is becoming more efficient, but it seems like there is never enough time...

My back has been annoying me for the last 2 days but I have been tending to some family matters that have kept me from being able to sit and relax for more then a few minutes let alone get online and post. We should have all the loose ends tied up early next week and I will have to play it by ear from there. Without going in to long details I am basically having to put someone very close to me in to a long term care program as they are not very capable of caring for themself right now. I wish it was any other way but we have tried many other options and this is the only one I see working.

I stopped by the Tea Shop yesterday and bought some new flavors Assam FOP and some China Black FOP both of which are very nice full bodied tea's. The Assam tea has an almost biscuity/bready malt character to it. Much like you would expect to find in some beers that have Munich or Victory malt in them. I had to look up "FOP" though and found that it means "Flowery Orange Pekoe."

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