
Let me tell you about my boys...

My 2 year old has to be one of the funniest kids I know. Every day he brings another smile to my face with his antics and of course with his just being so adorable.

One of his favorite snacks is "fish" which of course is Goldfish crackers and he will walk around the house with them in his little cup munching on them. Well today we were watching TV and there was something on about fish and how goldfish like to swim. Well......he decided that he wanted to see goldfish swim and he unloaded the entire cup of them in to the dogs water.

Have you ever seen what happens to these things when they absorb water? They bloat to about the size of quarter and are just nasty. Now imagine a whole bunch of them in the dog dish just soaking up all that water. As I am standing there trying not to laugh and explain to my son that this is not what we do with our food the dog comes along, looks up at me and then proceeds to eat all the goldfish out of the waterbowl. I tried my best to not laugh as this would just provoke my son and God only knows what I might find in the bowl tomorrow but that was a worthless effort. Before I knew it I was laughing my butt off which my son found amusing so he started in too. Of course the dog was to busy eating soggy Goldfish to worry about what we were doing.

Having kids has been one of the greatest and most rewarding experiences I can think of. Watching them grow and their little minds work is amazing. I have 2 boys (2 & 11) and even my older son is still amazing me with what he knows (as well with what he pretends to forget, like the trash, his room...) and learns. They are like those Goldfish crackers, they soak up everything around them.

One thing that I am ecstatic about is that my oldest loves to be the big brother and my youngest adores him. He wants to be anywhere the older one is at, if he is doing his homework my youngest is at the table with him. If he is watching TV then he is right beside him on the couch. In the morning the first thing he does is wake up my wife and then bug her to let him go wake up his brother, and his brother loves that too. It is very cute the way they interact with each other.

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