
Playing in the yard, I never knew it would be so stressful...

I have a slight "kink" on the left side of my neck this morning. While I was sitting in the recliner my son got a bit over excited, jumped up and threw his arms around my neck. Right after that the "kink" appeared and while it is not painful (much) I hate it when I cannot turn my neck in the full range of motion. Not even the muscle relaxers seem to be working on it so I think once I jump in the shower I will throw a lidoderm patch on it for the afternoon.

The back is a bit sore today from yesterdays activity. I needed to get the battery replaced in the pick up so that we are back to 2 cars. I know this is a task I should have let someone else do but not having the $150 the guy wanted to do the job as well knowing that a battery is only about $50 with a core exchange I thought his price (the lowest of the 3 I got) was a ripoff. I ran to Wal-Mart and grabbed the cheapest battery they had, $29 with exchange, and replaced it on my own. While the batteries are not super heavy it sure did not feel great when I was done pulling the old one out and having to replace it. I am glad it is done though and for far less then they wanted. Of course I did sacrifice a shirt to the battery acid gods. While it was a new shirt it was only a $1.99 off the clearance rack at Old Navy (I NEVER pay full price for my clothes.)

I also spent some time in the yard with my youngest. The torrential rain the other day filled the pool the rest of the way and since the neighbor cut that tree down there was very little in the way of "yard trash" floating in it. We also bought a big bottle of bubbles and some wands ($2 at Wal Mart) for him to play with. Now I should have seen this part coming but I missed it completely. When it is bath time my son LOVES his bubble bath and he has 2 or 3 different kinds he likes. Well, the bottle of bubbles looks just like the bubble bath bottle and a pool is a giant tub, right? I turned around just in time to see him empty a good 1/2 the bottle into the pool and start splashing it around trying to froth up the bubbles. Oh man! You can't get mad at him though.

Now I have told you in the past about my neighbors. They have a little girl (about 3) who is always outside unsupervised and doing whatever she wants. We have found her in our yard many times and when we got rid of the dog this kid played a factor in that decision. She used to always let him out of the yard, even after we locked the gate latches she would pull the bottom of the fence up and let him out. Well yesterday of course she was out in the yard playing while we were in the pool. She disappeared into the house and soon came out with mom in tow. Mom wanted to know if she could join us in the pool and of course I am torn here. I said yes thinking mom would stick around for at least a few minutes but she was out of there smartly. That pissed me off! Now of course this poor kid has never been taught a thing about manners and the first thing she did was take all the toys my son had and hog them. I explained that this being our pool she would need to ask my son to play with them. Of course that meant a fit, to which mom did not bother to come out and see what was going on. Now without the toys to play with she decided that she would kick and splash both my son and myself. Again I explained that since this is a small pool kicking is not going to be happening and that since I was not in the pool she was not to splash me. Again with the fit. I put up with this for about 5 minutes before I decided it was time to call it quits. The only way I could figure to get rid of her and keep her out of the yard was to empty the pool, of course once again I was completely wrong. I had planned on emptying it yesterday anyway and moving it a bit so as not to kill the grass as well it was on a slight incline making one end deep and the other barely having water. Once I moved the pool I put just enough water in it to keep it from blowing away during the night. The whole time she is standing there screaming to hurry up and fill it because she wants to get back in. Arrrghh! I finally just told her she would have to go home.

I know that this is a toddler but having one of my own and having raised another I know you can teach these kids manners. I also would NEVER think of allowing my kid into someone else's pool without being out there myself. Of course I am frustrated at what I see is this mothers lack of care for this child. As I have said before she is outside all day long but never is there an adult or even a child old enough to be responsible should something happen. We live very close to a major street and she is always playing near it. Neighbors cannot go outside and water their yards or do lawn work without this poor child coming over and looking for some kind of attention. However it is annoying. You cannot step foot outside without her running right up to you and starting in with the 10,000 questions. Like I said, I feel sorry for the kid as no one is doing their job and paying attention to her but at the same time it is not my problem and I refuse to let mom just dump this kid on the neighborhood.

The only problem now is that every day we try to use the pool this kid is going to stand at the fence and scream about wanting to come in. My wife and I discussed putting up a privacy fence and while money is very tight we feel that if we do not do this soon we will have a bigger problem with the neighbor. We bought this house to have someplace to relax not be harassed everytime we step into the yard. We are also tired of those fucking dogs (pardon the language). They have like 5 little yap dogs that bark the second you step outside and they do not stop. They will run up and down yapping. I am just floored that one family could possibly be so rude and inconsiderate of their neighbors. It is also not just me complaining. The people who live on the other side of them feel the exact same way we do.

Part of my not being in pain is keeping the stress levels down. Part of being stress free is being able to go into my yard and relax with my family and not being harassed by the neighbors kid.

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