
Caution: Tired toddler!

My youngest decided to be a bear this afternoon. He did not want to take his nap and when I tried to get him to do so it turned into a screaming fit which I can only imagine was because the poor kid was so tired. If you have ever dealt with a cranky toddler you will know what I mean. They will kick, push, pull and do anything to try and prevent your picking them up, putting them down or anything else and my back was not in the mood for that so I finally just gave up.

I finally sat down and a few minutes later he crawled into my lap and within a minute he was out like a light, sprawled across my legs and taking up all the free space. I decided to let him sleep a bit which of course turned into 3 hours. Of course now my back is smoked from all of that especially his cramming himself into the seat with me. It kills my back for some reason but at the same time it hurts it is so cute when he does it that I don't have the heart to ask (or make) him move. While it is difficult to use the laptop with him in the chair he is too funny and insists that I bring it up with us and play some videos from Grouchy Media or go to one of the sites like Go Baby.

We have a set of keyboards that we keep on the floor for him to play with. I bought them a few years ago for my wife and while they are not top of the line they do some amazing things. In addition to playing several hundred pre-recorded songs, and dozens of instruments you can use it to record what you are playing and then play it back to add or mix it with other recordings. He will sit there for hours with them and just play music and dance along to it. My mother has a baby grand that is also a player piano and he loves to play that one as well. Who knows, maybe he is the next Mozart? Mozart began playing at age 3 and by 5 as composing, my little guy has a 6 month head start!

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