
Would you like some soda?

So I am sitting in the recliner this evening and my youngest brings his cup over to me and asks for some soda. Now he does not drink a lot of soda, neither do we. We probably go through two 2 liters between all of us in a week, bottled water is our preferred poison and I generally kill a case of Ozarka in 2 days by myself.

So he brings his glass, we are weaning him from the sippy cups, over and asks me for some soda. Only problem is that I was drinking some water and I have not seen a bottle of soda since the day before yesterday. I tell him, "Sorry buddy but Daddy does not have any soda for you tonight" and with that he just turns and walks off.

I thought he left the room but a second later he emerges from behind the couch with a bottle of soda and tosses it in my lap. Apparently much like the cookie caches he used to keep he has a stash of soda he keeps behind the couch. Nice warm soda. Bleech...


Anonymous said...

Soda? SODA? It's *pop* ya nut. :) Nice blog E.

Anonymous said...

POP? What the hell is that? Where I come from it is all "coke" whether it is Pepsi, Mountain Dew etc... :-)

Glad to see you found your way.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Oh and next it will be the war over NY vs Chicago style pizza. :)

Anonymous said...

Not at all, NYC style pizza is the best. Everyone knows that!

Anonymous said...

:-p Yeah yeah yeah...