

I spent this morning cleaning the deck and getting it ready to put down the sealer/waterproof/stain tomorrow. I had to clear everything off it, which is just amazing how much junk can collect on a deck, and then wash it all down. I looked for a power washer but they wanted $75 for the day to rent it and that blew the budget so I opted for a deck brush and the $15 bottle of chemicals they had for stripping the deck.

It took me awhile to get it all done as I obviously had to keep stopping to rest but it was finally finished. Once it dried it looked really good with just the cleaning. I was amazed at the slime that was coming off the wood. I mean it looked clean before I started but once that stuff started doing it's job and hit it with the brush it was coming off all over the place. Once I was able to scrub the planks I then just hosed them off and let it dry in the sun. I am anxious to get the stain down on the wood.

My only concern is that while I was looking at the railings they seemed to have some kind of crud on them that did not come off. I tried to sand it real quick with the power sander but that did not work. I am hoping that it does not show up like that through the finish. I also need to remove all that crappy lattice work on the base of the deck (our deck is elevated) as it looks like crap and then just get under the deck and clean it out. The lattice just screams "white trash" to me and while I will stain it to see if that changes my mind I am betting that it does not. Tomorrow will tell!

I also bought a gallon of Kilz 2 primer for the bathroom since we are going over such a dark paint. With the Kilz 2 it is designed for use in moist areas like bathrooms and will help prevent mildew and mold from growing on/under the paint. We put it down on the floors in the bathroom before we laid the tile down and it worked great.

I am anxious to finish all these tasks, to have something to do but I am also mindful that I am not over doing it. Since my wife is off for 2 days in a row and does not have to be to work until 4pm the day after we have plenty of time to work ad take our time. I will get some pictures up when we are done.

I also got a call from my son this evening. He is doing good but just like last time for some reason he had to call me collect. Why she won't let him use the calling card she does not have long distance service she said, I do not know. It makes it feel like she is telling him he cannot call or pulling that "now is not a good time BS", I don't know. I hope she understands that I 1-document all this in case I need it for the lawyer and 2- (and most important) our son sees the crap she is pulling and it is only going to bite her in the ass if she is doing it on purpose.

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