
Small emergency...

I got a call last night at about 9pm from my ex-wife letting me know that my son had hurt himself. Apparently he was reaching for a ball or something under a car and caught his hand and ripped it open. They took him to one of the local outpatient trauma centers where they stitched him up. Apparently though they think he needs to be seen by a surgeon to ensure that he did not do more damage to nerves as the cut was to the bone.

Now he was supposed to have another week with his mom but I am not comfortable with his seeing a surgeon out there (in another state) and then coming home next week. It just seems to be more trouble then it needs to be both with switching doctors and the insurance issues so I spoke with my ex-wife and we are going to get him this evening.

I did some thinking and talked with a few people and decided that no matter how much I hate it I decided to let him fly on his own as we could only afford that ticket at the last minute as our original plans for next week were to drive out. I am not keen, nor is my wife, on letting him fly alone but I did not think we had much choice as driving out would mean he would not be able to see the doctor until Friday or possibly even Monday and that might be a bit too long. Not knowing how badly he needed to see the surgeon I felt flying was the only way. My wife did not agree though and things got tense for a few minutes.

After some talking and several hundred more dollars then we really had we bought her a plane ticket as well and she is now on her way to meet him at the airport and will fly back with him. I am torn on this though. I really do not like the idea of his flying alone and it stems more from the concern that no one is really watching him or if there is an emergency he is not going to be the first concern should someone be watching him. I know, you pay the $40 for the airline to watch them but I have been on plenty of flights with kids and almost never have I seen the aircrew really paying attention like I would expect them too. Top that off with should there be an emergency I would never forgive myself for not being there when my kid(s) needed me most.

I know, sooner or later you have to let go but he is not quite to that age yet. Having just turned 12 we just think he is not quite there yet, he still has a bit of growing to do.

Anyway, I am glad he is on his way home but I am sorry that it is under this circumstances. Hopefully the doctors do not find anything wrong other then the gash as that will heal in a few days. Having chopped up a hand in the past I know that doing nerve damage to the fingers sucks. I did it about 15 years ago while on leave and I still have some trouble with the feeling in my index and middle finger on the left hand.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I sure hope that he is OK. Please post to keep us all updated.