
802.11g or b?

Well I had to go buy a new wireless card for the desktop but while I was looking for one that did not cost $75 I started thinking. Yes, I know that is a scary proposition but in this case it was something that needed to be done.

My problem is that my 802.11g wireless PCI card for the laptop fried out a few months ago and since then I have been having to use an old "B" model on it. Now it still works but the transfer rate goes from 54mbs down to 11mbs and the distance I can travel from the base is reduced.

Now while I am standing there looking at all the PCI cards for the desktop I remembered that I saw not too long ago a wireless key that is USB based rather then the traditional slot. If I could find a "G" model then I could use it for both the desktop and the laptop (when it is not needed on the desktop). No more dropped connections because I wandered into the front room or took the laptop upstairs, much faster connection rates mean a cleaner load and I am happy again.

It also means that instead of spending close to $80 after taxes for a card that would only work for the PC as well require me to actually install it in the box that I only spent $35 and have a wireless key that will work on any computer with a USB port. It also came with a neat base that I can plug into the USB port and then plug the key into that allowing me to adjust the line of sight to the router.

Now I need to grab one for the TiVo so I can put that on the wireless network which would then give me the ability to broadcast from the TiVo to any TV/Computer on the LAN!

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