
Hard to believe it has been that long...

We are in for a battering tonight. Apparently there is supposed to be some super cell activity moving this way and we are under a tornado watch into the late evening. Thankfully we have about 15 hours of SpongeBob on TiVo for my son so when the DirecTv goes out we have something to keep him calm.

This afternoon was a nice relaxing day. We went out to do my oldest sons birthday shopping and found some great bargains on a few things we really think he will enjoy. One of them is a SpongeBob trivia game as well as a handful of DVD's from Wally Worlds $5.50 bin. We got him Mr. Deedsthe Adam Sandler version, The Saint, the Val Kilmer version and Major Payne. We also bought him a gift card for $25 to buy something for himself while he is out there. Just some small stuff to tide him over until he gets home at the end of the month and then we have a few more things for him.

He is a budding magician and a damn good one at that and he has been all over me about some of the stuff from Ellusionist.com so we are going to grab a few of the things he has asked for from them. We also have a great magic shop down the road where the owner is also a magician who has been great about showing him how to set up his props and training him on the purchases he makes. My only problem with the magic is that my son has become so good at it the props he needs are not the cheap $20 ones anymore. To buy the good ones can run easily up to $100 a piece and while we used to be able to do that with my back out of whack and no work it means we have to choose wisely. Thankfully my parents realize that this is more then just a hobby for him (he actually wants to be a street magician for a living, like David Blane) and have been great about helping him get the more expensive props.

We are also re-painting and "decorating" his room. Since he is approaching the teen years (he will be 12) we thought it might be time to migrate from the Harry Potter theme to something else. What I was thinking the last time I painted his room I do not know but I figured since Harry Potter is wizardry then his room needed that "dark" feel to it and I painted it a deep blue (not blackish blue though) and I am worried about painting over it. My wife had a great idea though in which instead of painting his whole room we can get some of the paint tape, mark of some abstract designs (think Eddie Van Halen's Guitar) except using some lighter blues and perhaps an off white (maybe pearl) and then doing his bathroom the same way (yes, he has his own bathroom and in that same stroke of genius I painted it the same color as his room.) We could then decorate it with some posters of his favorite movies and musicians and put up a shelf or two for his stuff. Furniture wise he is good to go as his desk, chair, dresser and bed are all fairly new. They are all oak and stained with a very light stain so that they will always match the paint so no worries there.

I guess it is a bit hard to believe that my son is going to be a teenager soon. This will be his last year as a "kid" and while it is still a few years down the road, college is rapidly approaching. I remember very well being in 6th grade and thinking I had 6 more years to go and then all of the sudden we are coming up on the 20th HS reunion. How the time does go.

We also picked up a Fisher-Price Power Touch Book for my youngest. Wally World had them marked down to $15 with 2 books from the $35 they normally are and since I am working on the alphabet and reading skills with him I thought this might help. Using the normal books has been working ok but I think we have done all we can do with those right now. He seems to be bored with the books we have for him and my only guess is that since we have done them so many times he is just not interested in them any longer. They are also not interactive like this is as well you can buy other modules for it to learn other skills.

I have had a slight headache but with this front moving in it could be the pressure system playing with my sinuses. While it is not too bad on the back right now my foot is quite numb and still buzzing away like the other day. Thanks to Christine for helping me find some more information on this "buzzing." In her comment she mentions peripheral neuropathy which after reading also makes a ton of sense. It specifically mentions the fact that some patients will "have periods of relief followed by relapse" and that hits the nail right on the head. It comes and goes sometimes for quite long periods without symptoms and then one day, Bam! You should cruise on over to her blog and check it out as well she is a fellow Arachnoiditis patient.

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