
I'm stoked!

During the run down to the doctors office yesterday brought us right past the Sam's Club so we cruised in to check some prices for the care packages. I scored a very good deal on some DVD+R's so I can record some shows for the guys. Now the cheapest place I have been able to find them in my area is $16 for a spindle of 15 so finding 75 for $29 brought a pretty big smile to my face. Yes, I am easily amused.

I also found they had CD-Music¹ and a spindle of 100 was only $16. This is about half the price I have been finding them around here but I still have some left from the last spindle I bought. I put most of my music on the computers and then rather then burning entire CD's so it would take me almost a year if not longer to go through 100 of them versus the DVD's where I will probably go through that 75 in the next month or two.

I felt so good about finding those for such a great price I forgot to check on the price for the beef jerky and powdered drink mix. D'oh!

¹- In order for music to be played back on a normal CD player it must be burned to a CD-Music. If you used a regular CD R/RW media disc you might be able to get playback but chances are it would not work properly or 100% of the time. So if you are planning on burning some CD's pay attention to the type of disc you purchase. I learned this the hard way awhile back.


Stacy said...

Our soldiers are going to enjoy all the movies and music that you are burning. Thanks for all you are doing for them. It sure means a lot to me to see others getting involved.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to be able to help in any way I can. Since I cannot be there with them (my surgical spinal fusion is a permenant DQ and every waiver I applied for was denied) I figure I should do my best to support those who are there.