
Training the neighbors dogs...

I have written in the past about the herd of yap dogs my neighbor has. The ones that bark constantly and have made us think seriously about putting up a privacy fence. I cannot stand the dogs and the neighbor really does not seem to care that they are barking but this is the same neighbor who allows the 2 year old to wander the neighborhood without any supervision whatsoever.

Well this morning while I was talking to my dad (on the phone) about the work we have been doing on the deck I stepped outside to admire it once more. Of course the second I did so those little rats started yapping, so loud that I could barely hear my father so I had to step back in the house. He instantly told me that I should get something like these to put on my side of the fence. GENIUS!!! Now some of them make noise and others are ultra-sonic, those are the kind I want to find. Much cheaper then a fence and perfectly legal within this city. My dad said they had the same problem with their neighbors once and after talking had failed to control the problem (as it has for us) he said he bought one of these and it worked like a charm. Apparently my brother in law has one as well for their yard. I am all over this!!!

Funny thing is that just like the ill mannered kids they have running around the dog issue is a training one. We have had several dogs and have never had a problem with them barking constantly at people in their yards because we spent the time to train them and not just for the neighbors sake but our own. Having pets is great but when they annoy your neighbors and you do nothing about it that pisses me off. Well I am going to hunt one of these down and as soon as I get that stain down today. Say goodbye to those little yapping freaking mutts barking.

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