
Things that go bump in the night...

The headache is doing much better although I was doubtful there for a bit and was thinking about heading to the ER.

I finally laid down to get some sleep only to be awaken by a loud crash downstairs shortly after midnight. Of course being startled from a dead sleep is always a treat and instantly your mind kicks into over drive of what may be going on. My first thought was someone had come through the sliding glass door the hard way.

I grabbed my 6 cell mag light, a giant flashlight you see police officers carrying, and quietly made my way to the top of the stairs. Ok, I actually low crawled as not to make any noise. After listening down the stairs I figured it was safe enough to move to the kitchen where I could see better. Nothing seemed out of place and the glass in the door was intact so I moved around the corner only to find that the shelf I had built earlier this year had come apart and on it's way down spilled it's cargo and knocked the computer and monitor off the desk.

I quickly straightened it all up and went back to bed figuring I would deal with it this morning. A closer inspection this morning shows that one of the braces I used, purchased from Home Depot, had failed and gave way to the right side of the shelf. Now when I bought those braces I checked to make sure they would work for this shelf as it is filled with toys and books which add up to a decent amount of weight. What I did not do was inspect them closely enough to notice that they were not screwed together but rather done with some flimsy long kind of what appears to be a staple. Of course those cheap POS's are not going to hold that kind of weight forever.

I grabbed the drill and fixed the broken one with some screws and then pulled down the rest and re-enforced them so that I do not have to go through this again.

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