
Let's settle this once and for all...

The gauntlet has been thrown and so it is on like Donkey Kong. Obviously one of my commenters and goof friend (however misguided she may be...) seems to believe that stuff they try to pass off as pizza in Chicago is better then a real pizza.

Now perhaps I am a bit biased having grown up on Long Island, smack dab in the heart of where some of the greatest pies are made so I thought we would see what some of you had to say. What do you prefer? A slice of New York style, thin with a crispy and yet chewy crust and a perfect blend of spices, oil and cheese or do you go for a pie that looks like someone was trying to make a lasagna and ran out of noodles?

Gypsy-this is for you! Muwhahahaha...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lasagne huh? :-) LMAO okay it's ON. :-) I make the best lasagne btw.

Actually most of the time I admit it, I prefer a bit thinner and crispier crust, just not that paper thin cracker style stuff. There ARE some great places here for thin crust pies. Non-chain related, more your mom and pop.

Okay readers...discuss!

aka Gypsy