
So what do you do?

Not sure why I am wide awake at 0500 but I have been so since about 0300. I decided to come downstairs and burn some CD's and DVD's to get into the box for the guys in Iraq. I figure if I am going to be awake I might as well put the time to good use rather then just sit there in bed and stare at the ceiling until I doze off again.

1 comment:

Saija said...

been so busy of late that i've missed reading your blog, E ... you are a good guy with the stuff you try to accomplish - despite the yucky arach ...

did i tell you that our sweet neighbours came and put leo's boat in the water, a week ago? they said there was something "so wrong" in seeing the boat in the yard and it being JULY!!! of course the weather hasn't been fishing weather, but hopefully Leo can get out for some real R&R soon and bring home a few walleye!!!