
He's home

My wife and son got back to the house a bit after midnight and I must say that either I have shrunk or he sprouted in the last 8 weeks. When he left he was maybe to my chest but he is easily up to my chin. I had no idea that kids could grow that fast but seeing how at 6' I am the shortest male in my family we have always expected him to be rather tall.

It sounds like he had a fun time with his mom and step-dad as well he got about a week with his maternal grandmother camping in South Dakota and Wyoming where they went to Mount Rushmore, The Black Hills and did some rafting. Not sure if they would call it white water but my son said they hit a few Class III rapids along the way. Glad to hear he had a good summer and for the first time that I can recall it sounded like he enjoyed his summer.

His hand looks ok but I can see why they are concerned about possible nerve and ligament and tendon damage. He cut himself at the base of the middle finger, right on the inside (palm) of the knuckle where his finger joins the hand. Looking at it he is lucky he did not pop the finger off.

They put some stitches on the inside and outside to hold it all together and splinted it but they did not give him any kind of anti-biotics. Right now my wife has him over with our personal physician to get her opinion as well as the name of a surgeon she would suggest that we see.

When I called our insurance company to see who was in the area they gave me the names of 2 doctors both of whom are a good 90 minutes South of us. However since we live in the the 'burbs of a major U.S. city I figure there has to be at least one or two doctors closer then the ones my carrier gave me. We will see what his physician has to say!

I am glad that he is home as his is little brother. He was running around the house for most of last night screaming "Edwards coming home" and the first thing he did when he woke up was bolt for his brothers room and jump up in bed with him. I love it when he does that and after almost two months of not having his brother around we were curious as to how he would react.

Since he was gone for his birthday we started this morning off by giving him his presents and talking about his summer. We bought him a few DVD's, Major Payne, Mr. Deed's and The Saint and then a DVD/CD rack for his room to help him keep all his stuff organized. I know, within 2 weeks of school starting the DVD's will be on the floor and the rack will be filled with action figures and other junk. We also bought him Spongebob Fact or Fishy DVD Game as he is a big Spongebob fan and a gift card to Wal-Mart. Since he loves his MP3 player he can use the gift card to download songs for it from Wal-Marts music site or go by himself some more DVD's or a CD or two.

It's good to have him back home, just in time for registration for school. I am not sure how we are going to be able to pull it all together and pay for tuition this year but I am hoping that when I talk to the Sisters (he goes to Catholic school) I will be able to barter my services for a discount or possibly all of his tuition. The school is looking to re-design their website, and it very badly needs it, and while I am not a guru I am more then capable of re-designing and hanging a new site for all the campuses as well as each Parish within the school zone.

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