
This afternoon my son said some interesting things to me about his mother and her husband. Apparently while he was out there they sat him down and played some kind of mind game with him. They went on telling him how my wife and I (my whole family for that matter) are trying to brain wash him. How the only thing we do is fill his head with the notion that he will graduate school and join the Army and so on.

Now I need to sit down and talk some more about what happened while he was out there but from what I gathered his mother thinks we are running an indoctrination camp of some sort here. Ironically the very thing she is accusing us of is what she is doing by having those very conversations with him. When he opens up a bit more and tells me what is going on I will certainly share it.

I am glad he feels that he can share that kind of information with me. It tells me that my wife and I have done a good job in ensuring that he has an open line for communication and that he can share whatever is on his mind. My guess is that this is something that truly bothered him or he would not have brought it out of the blue no less.

The kicker for me was his mother telling him how wrong Bush is and how much she hates him. Of course she left out the part about how she voted for him or how in our conversations she is the exact opposite about him. Gee, I wonder. I wonder why she does not tell him the stories about how she is constantly behind in child support? Or how she has never paid her 50% of the medical insurance and bills like she is supposed to? Just like most everything else she does though this is an attempt for her to create animosity between her son and I. She has been at it ever since I have had custody of him (since he was 4), which was a result of her abandoning him.

She is truly a piece of work and I am no longer surprised by the crap my son tells me she talks about.

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