
Another ordinary day...

Very sore and stiff this morning and I have no idea why. I came down early as lying there in bed felt more like I was sleeping on a piece of plywood, wide awake.

The heat for the last few days has been reminding me of my time spent stationed at Fort Irwin CA. where summer temps can soar into the 120's easily. However I would prefer to be there right now as it is 1-cooler then here and 2-even when it is hot the humidity is not bad. Living in the plains of the U.S. means 105F and 85%+ humidity and the only way to truly beat the heat is to get in the pool. That for us means the kiddie pool which I cleaned and refilled yesterday and then spent the morning sitting in it with my little guy. Seeing as it has been blazing hot he has not gotten much outside time so he is bouncing off the walls from being cooped up.

Went to see the doc for refills yesterday. My appointment was for 16:00 but we were in the area for another appointment which ended much earlier then we expected leaving us a block from the doctors office with an hour to go. On a whim my wife suggested giving them a call and seeing if they had anything earlier. BINGO! They were able to get me in right then and by the time my original appointment time rolled around we were half way back home. The visits are going well and I am pleased that we have found this doc to help me.

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