
New pool for the boy

We had to buy a new pool for our youngest the other day and believe it or not finding a small inflatable pool is not as easy as you would think. We did have a huge orange one that I thought would be great but it turned out to be too big of a pain to deal with. It is 18" deep and like 12' across and holds more water then I was willing to put in it, for several reasons.

First I like to empty and move the pool every other day or so to keep the grass from dying. I also like to empty it to keep bacteria and other crap from forming in the overnight stagnant water and finally I do not feel like filling such a large pool every other day as my water bill would easily triple if not quadruple. No thanks!

I did find one at K-Mart for $3 from Joe Boxer that is not only the right size, it fits on the deck and once it is full you can hook the hose up to it and it has little holes around the outer rim which then sprinkle water from about 12 spots into the middle of the pool giving the kids something to play in as well as keeping it somewhat full. It also fits on the newly stained deck which means no worrying about my grass dying from sitting in one spot.

I set it up this afternoon and let it sit for a few hours to warm up before letting him out in it. The very second we walked through the door the little girl next door was screaming to come over and get in the pool. I had to say no because I was not in the mood for her antics or to have to watch her because we know mom is not going to come out. Each day I feel bad for the kid as she is banished to the backyard with no one else to play or talk with. I often wonder if she gets in trouble for going in the house. Anyway, my son had a ball splashing around while I watered the yard and the checked out the deck to see where I needed to touch up a bit. He was in there for a good 30 minutes and when I told him it was time to go in for dinner he threw a fit. Normally parents would hate that but since he was playing it did not bother me so much. However, he still needed to get out so we could eat.

Last night was also his first time taking a bath in the tub without his mini-tub. Up until last night we had been using a smaller tub that you put in the regular one and then fill up. It fits nicely and makes it almost impossible for them to stand up in the middle of the tub. He had a problem with that for a bit and the tub worked great for a year or so but he is getting too big for it. We found a mat for the tub that is not one of those grip tape stick to the bottom things and instead it is a very soft one that is very much like the self liner you might use for glasses. I do not know what they call it but it is not solid which allows for drainage but it is not slick either which keeps him from slipping. He seemed to like having all that water to play in and was thrilled at the amount of bubbles daddy put in the tub (I always over bubble it on purpose). Now that he is in the big tub and we found a wading pool we like I need to get some boats, subs and other tub/pool toys for him. I always loved having toys to play with in the tub and I am sure he would too.

My back is ok today but it is not exactly pain free. I have a knot that is spreading over to the lower right side, the same place I was complaining about last week. I took my meds and even the full dose for breakthrough but it does not seem to be working to well right now. I can put my patch on here in a few minutes and that should help some but I am guessing that sleeping is going to be a bit tough this evening. I need to find something more sturdy to prop my legs on if I plan on getting any decent sleep.

The problems with propping my legs is that I only have pillows and I either end up kicking them off the bed or they flatten out and do not work worth a damn. I looked for something like they had me using during physical therapy but the only ones I found were either the wrong size for me or cost more then I really could afford. Perhaps it is time to go to the fabric store, grab some denim and some stuffing and make my own. I think I remember how to thread a needle. I am sure that as soon as I can get my knees bent a bit and take some stress off my lower back while lying down I will be sleeping MUCH better then I have been.

I did hit True Value hardware today for a new security bar for the sliding glass doors. We have one that we use and it works great but I got a bug the other day and bought a new one that actually has tension to it and you can clamp it down into place leaving no gap or play in the door. It can also be put up higher then the old one which means if someone were to fiddle with the door and it fell it is going to make a ton of noise (it is steel). So now we have the general lock that is on the door and the 2 rods as well as the house alarm that is tied to the door as well as the motion detectors in the back room. Yes, I am into triple redundancy.

While we were out I also spent $15 on a new DVD/CD binder that holds about 200 DVD's (out of their cases). I was growing tired of the pile of cases and the pile of DVD's not in their cases. Everyone wants to watch a movie but no one ever puts them back. That leaves them in reach of a 2 year old and then Daddy spends 3 hours hunting them down, cleaning them and removing scratches from them. So I bought the binder, pulled all the DVD's from their cases and piles and then arranged them somewhat so that they are all in some semblance of order. I took the boxes and put them away in the front hall closet which we use for stashing stuff like that (it's a big closet). It's amazing how clean a room can look when you get rid of all the little cluttering junk that is lying around.

Well I have babbled quite enough for this evening. I am going to go find my lidoderm and put on 2 patches and then I am going to get my son to come sit in the recliner with me and doze off to sleep.

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