
Care package away...

Well the first package to the guys is on it's way and I am anxious to see the reaction they have. I am sure for the guys some of this stuff is available for them in Iraq but others we thought would not be and be a neat touch. Smarties have to be an old favorite of everyone and I found a few bags of them so they got thrown in the mix as well. M&M's (6+ lbs), peanuts, sunflower seeds, beef jerky, pringles, iced tea mix (regular and raspberry), 4lbs of licorice, a very dark roast coffee, ginger snap cookies, cheez nips , potato sticks, large bag of baby wipes, gum, lifesavers (the mint kind) and some other stuff that is not in the pictures. The CD's are actually DVD's of shows I burned from the TiVo as well as some music that was requested.

A box of ziploc baggies later it was all packed into 2 boxes, 1 medium & 1 small and was on it's way. I used the ziploc's on the items I was concerned about breakage during transit. Item's like the tea mix could make a huge mess if they leak and who wants to hear 6lbs of M&M's rattle around? Some bubble wrap to hold it all in place and now it is time to start prepping the next boxes to go out.

Stay safe guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job! They're gonna love those packages.