
The deck...

Well we got out today in the BLAZING hot son and got the deck, or at least the planking, stained and weatherproofed. We still have to do the handrails and banisters but it looks 500% better then that peaked old thing it was just yesterday. I forgot to take a before picture but I think I have some on the other computer that have the deck showing. I do have some pictures I took as we worked and the first one here is what the deck looked like after using the cleaning stuff from Home Depot and then the second shot is after putting down Behr Redwood 502 weatherproofing sealer and stain.

As you can probably imagine I am exhausted and in pain because once again I did WAY more then I should have and doing it in the heat just zapped me.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Just checking in with you to see how you are doing. The deck looks great. I think this is the first time that I have been able to leavea a comment on your actual blog. Hope you are feeling ok. Take care.