
Stupid freaking flat spots...

I tripped over another one of them a few minutes ago and instantly my foot felt like it was on fire. The toes and bottom of my foot are on fire and it is crawling up my leg, it literally feels like a million bugs are scrambling across up it right now wandering aimlessly. Top that off with me tripping over the gate earlier and this is shaping up to be a loooooong night. I took some Oxy in hopes of staving off some of it but this is going to be one of those nights where the pain is one step ahead.

So how does someone "trip" over a 3' gate? Well because of the nerve damage in my left foot I cannot control the muscles properly and my foot droops. This is called drop foot and it sucks. Remember as a kid getting your new pair of sneakers for school? Remember for the first day or so you would catch the toe of your sneakers and "trip", or was that just me and I have always been a spaz? Well imagine a lifetime of that and you have an idea of what happens to me several times a day. Of course the flip side is that I am my own entertainment.

We also got the invitation today to my nieces birthday party next week. I felt bad about having to decline as it is not often enough that I get to spend time with my (not so little) brother¹. My wife has to work that afternoon and is leaving the next day to pick up our son so she is out and they live far enough away that I am not comfortable driving myself that far, especially with my son in the car.

However since my sister in law called and said she really wanted to see us I will see what I can work out with my folks. She thought I could ask them to come get us but I am a bit apprehensive about asking them to drive 30-40 minutes out of there way on both legs of the trip. Perhaps since my wife is driving out to get our son I can go spend a few days at my folks and she could drop me off before she heads to work. If that works then my only other concern is that we (my folks and I) are on each others schedule and that means they are at the whim of a broke dick² and a toddler either of whom can be somewhat cranky at the drop of a hat.

I mentioned that my wife is off early this week and that we could come out one of those evenings. I love to hang out with my brother and my sister in law but we live almost 1.5 hours apart and my wife works a very odd schedule as a restaurant manager making it difficult to coordinate time to get over to see them and vice versa. Being in the restaurant business is no where near 9-5 and most certainly not Mon-Fri where my brother and his wife both work standard jobs, at least in the Mon-Fri respects so our days off are not always (very rarely) theirs.

¹-He is a competitive power lifter and is built like a brick wall so while he is younger he is not so-little.

²- Basically a term for something that does not work properly.

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