
I wonder if the heat is the cause of the back aches yesterday and today. I know they say a dry heat is ok for you hence the large number of people who move to the more arid parts of the country, but here in the plains it gets hot and humid. It just really makes me wonder if the heat by itself is ok but when you add the moisture does it have a different effect? Guess I have some reading to do tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Friend of mine is a disabled Vet, he said the humidity is a definite contributor to some of his more excrutiatingly painful times...then again so is the extreme cold.

Stacy said...

I bet this heat could be making you hurt more.

Anonymous said...

Well we pulled out the dehumidifier and cranked the AC down another 2 degrees. I am not happy about it as that means a higher electric bill but if I can get a bit of relief from it then I guess it is worth it.