
Paul Bannon & Peter Pike

Paul Bannon
Peter Pike

I have always been very interested in the recovery efforts of our servicemen listed as missing in action and for the last almost 8 years I have worn the MIA bracelet of Paul Bannon who along with Peter Pike were shot down on July 12th 1969 over Laos. Their bodies were never recovered.

While I remember them everyday I wanted to share their stories with you today because today is the 36th anniversary of their last mission. I will be using today to post information about MIA's & POW's and how you can contact your representatives to do something about finding our servicemen and bringing them home. For some men it has been more then a lifetime since they went missing and while it may be to late for them there are men it may not be too late for. Men like Scott Speicher who was the first pilot lost during the opening barrages of the '91 Gulf War. There is also Keith Maupin who is missing and listed as a Prisoner Of War from Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Remember, you do not have to agree with the conflicts that these men have fought in or even the politics that brought them to those conflicts but all of these men have friends and families who want them home and by contacting your legislators you just might be able to help bring some of them home.

I would love nothing more then to remove my bracelet and give it to Paul Bannon himself and if that is not possible when his remains are repatriated to return my bracelet to his family. I would prefer to give it to him.

Paul Wedlake Bannon
Colonel (See Note below)

Home of Record: Hueytown, Alabama
Date of birth: Monday, 10/15/1934

Service: Air Force (Regular)
Grade at loss: O4
Rank: Colonel (See Note below)
ID No: 417449746
MOS: 1115F Pilot
LenSvc: Not recorded
Unit: 433RD TFS, 8TH TFW, 7TH AF
Note: O4 at loss. Promoted while in MIA status

Start Tour: Not recorded
Incident Date: Saturday, 07/12/1969
Change Status: Monday, 01/22/1979
Missing to Died while Missing
Age at Loss: 34
Remains: Body Not Recovered
Location: Laos
Type: Hostile, Died While Missing
Reason: Air Loss, Crash - Land - Fixed Wing - Crew

ON THE WALL Panel 21W Line 105

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