
Stay down!

Well I hope all our fellow bloggers down in the path of Dennis are buckled down and ready for him. The radar image is centered in Mobile Alabama on the National Weather Services web site. If you would like more information on the hurricane and the other areas possibly affected by Dennis you can check out the National Hurricane Center also part of the NOAA website.

By all means this is not something that people should be heading outside to check out either. Last I heard Dennis is a Category 4 hurricane which means sustained winds between 131 and 155 MPH. Those winds will take you off your feet and slam you around like a ping pong ball.

I am praying that tomorrow and the next few days bring as little damage and loss as possible. I know a lot of those in the path are still recovering from Hurricane Ivan last September. Those poor folks are still rebuilding from that storm, just in time to quite possibly have all the damage done again.

I know that many of the local utilities have rallied their crews and a few of my buddies who work in that field are probably already driving to staging areas just outside the storms path so that when it passes they can get right to work. CNN is reporting that they are predicting 500,000+ people will be without power for close to 3-4 weeks. Having been there with tornadoes I can understand the frustration of the people having to do without so I am hoping for the best here.

Edit- Wow, in the few hours it had been since I was watching the news on this it has been downgraded to a tropical storm. Still not something that is going to make life easy but better then a CAT4 hurricane in my opinion.

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