
Who turned on the A/C?

We had a huge drop in the temperature today. After a few weeks of super hot, either close to or over 100F, we are at a whopping 65F this evening. We did get a bit of rain which was more like a drizzle then anything else but other then that it has been a nice day. I think the A/C came on 3 or 4 times all day rather then 3 or 4 times every hour like it has been. I am not looking forward to the electric bill next month either...

Just like the huge jump in the temperature made for some uncomfortable days the sudden drop in temperature was no fun. I am thankful my wife was off for the day as it would have not been much fun to try and chase my son around and be as stiff as I have been since this morning. Obviously pain meds work to help make you comfortable but they don't do much in the way of easing the tension in the joints. Bending from the waist felt like trying to bend plywood. A little bit of play but bend it too fast and it will snap.

The scary thing is that we are actually almost 40F cooler right now then we were at this time yesterday. Now when I was stationed at Fort Irwin this was something you might expect to happen when the sun went down. You could go from 120 during the heat of the day to around 80 or so at 10pm. With nothing to hold the heat in and the winds that came with the setting of the sun you could look forward to some time to cool off. Here in the plains states though this is something that just does not occur very often.

It is a nice break in the heat though and it is nice to hear the sounds of the kids running around and playing. What do they say, "you do not really miss something until it is gone"? Hopefully the heat stays away for a few days as it would be nice to get out of the house for longer then 5 minutes at a time.

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