
Doing something bigger then yourself!

Many of you who read me here and there know that I am a former Soldier and spent nearly a decade serving my country as an Infantryman (and an NCO). I have spent a good deal of time reading some of the military blogs out there, especially the ones of some of the soldiers who are deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.

I do not care whether you support the war(s) or the current administration but I have always believed that you should support the troops. This is an all volunteer military and many of those currently serving were in the military a long time before we were attacked in 2001. When they were told it was time to pack up their bags and move out they did so leaving behind family and friends and for many of the soldiers it has been or will be close to 18 months before they are back home.

That means we need to be stepping up to the plate and making sure we are supporting those Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Coasties (don't forget they are fighting the war on terror too!) who are away from their loved ones so that you can be home with your. You can write letters, you can ship a box of goodies to them every few weeks or you can donate money or your time to some of the organizations in your area like AMVETS, the VFW or even some of the local civic organizations or church groups who are putting together packages for the troops. It does not cost a ton of money to do this either.

I have been reading a this blog for some time and it got to me. It made me realize that while I am sitting here whining about my back hurting or my son not taking his nap my buddies are halfway around the world worrying about much more important issues like will they live through the day or will they make it home in one piece. So I decided to contact some of the guys I know overseas and I have adopted a small unit. Now not having a ton of money myself I have decided to enlist the help of my family to do this project. The first box going out is all me but my hopes are that in the next few weeks I will have my parents and siblings on board and contributing some goods for the boxes I plan on sending.

I hit up Wal-Mart for some items and then went to the dollar general store today to round out the first box. The Dollar store was a jackpot and I spent less then $20 there and walked out with tons of stuff for the guys from ginger snap cookies to cans of pringles and bags of peanut M&M's (they do not melt in the boxes!). Add that to yesterdays haul from Wal-Mart of sunflower seeds, peanuts, peppermint lifesavers and a bag of good coffee beans and I will be putting out a box tomorrow for the guys. Grand total for the box plus shipping should be less then $50 but the knowing that a group of guys will feel that much closer to home makes me feel good.

I am also including some other goodies for the guys. I have been recording TV shows for them on the TiVO and burning them to DVD's and will ship those out as well. The good thing with the DVD's is that they are cheap to buy ($15 for 25) and I can burn several hours worth a day and mail them weekly using the USPS Media Mail rates to make it dirt cheap.

If you would like to help me out simply then you can send me email with your info and how you would like to help. I have a paypal account as well as debit card for it and would be glad to provide those who donate a copy of all transactions from that account. I will not keep a single dime for anything on this project, 110% of it will go into the goodies as well as some for shipping.

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