
The return of the phantom pain...

The pain in the left arm has been coming back for the last few days and this morning it is burning pretty good. It is the same spot where they damaged the left radial nerve during my surgery and while I had the stellate ganglion blocks to try and fix it, it has never really been the same. While it is usually just numb there are a few days, like today, where it will start to burn. The only way I can describe this burn is that it is quite similar to if you over stretch you calf muscle, that instant burn that you get when you have worked it too hard. It should be gone in a day or two and that's fine but there is no telling when it is going to come back.

The pain in the lower back is slowly spreading to the right side (and they said this was not progressive...) but I remembered to mention it to the pain management doctor on the last visit. I also need to make an appointment to go back to torture village and have them do another MRI to see what is going on with that area of the back. MRI's suck because they are loud and BORING! Laying in this tiny assed tube where you can hardly move, nothing to read and certainly nothing to listen to other then the magnets as they "clang" together for that whole time. However it is either that or another myelogram. I am dead set on them sticking anything else into the spinal column, especially anything like a myelogram. For all we know the last one is what caused the current problems.

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