
Near miss...

They called for severe storms last night and they were supposed to track to the north side of the city which put them on a collision course for us. The radar shots we watched on the NOAA website were amazing and we were prepare for probably one of the most intense storms of the season. By 7pm the house was literally shaking on the foundation with each clap of thunder and the flashes from the lightning was intense. We had the lights off in most of the house and with each bolt you could see everything as if they were on.

My youngest fell asleep at about 8pm sitting in my lap so I took him upstairs as well as the laptop so I could keep track of the storm for a bit. I did not want to go to sleep until I was sure the cell had decided on where it was going. If we were going to catch the brunt of it then I would stay up and wait it out in case of a tornado but if it was going to miss, which it did, then I would hit the rack. Thankfully it was not a long wait because I was tired and wanted to get some sleep badly.

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