
What's that strange buzzing?

My left foot and leg are buzzing again today. They started doing it mid-afternoon yesterday but it was so slight that it was not really bothering me. This morning it is more like a heavy vibrating almost like an electrical current running up and down my leg. While it is not painful it is annoying and nothing I do seems to alleviate the symptoms once they start making it diffilcult to walk (why I walk with the cane).

Hopefully someone reading this knows what it is called and might share it with us. I did find some information on something called tibial nerve dysfunction which after reading about does sound possible. I know that I have done some damage to the sciatic nerve and damage to this nerve could explain the drop foot but this is something I would have to really ask the docs about I am sure. Just something else to add to my ever growing list of annoying questions for the doctors.

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