
His summer has begun...

Well they showed up at about 5pm, 4 hours later then they said they would be here. Par for the course though and was almost expected.

They stayed long enough to use the bathroom, load his things and then take off. My son looked like he truly did not want to go as they crossed the street to the car. He must have looked over his shoulder 4 or 5 times in the scant 15 meters, each time taking a longer look.

I have no clue what I am going to do all summer without my son here. I know we do this every summer but as he is growing up he is becoming more interested in many of the things that I too love to do and we get to spend time doing them together. I love to go shooting with my buddies, although money has kept me from doing so recently, but my son has a neat little Ruger 10/22 that we bought for him a few years ago and it is dirt cheap to shoot so we hit some of the free Dept. of Conservation Ranges and let him plink targets. Not only is it fun for him as well as let us spend time together we are able to make sure that he is understanding the safety issues with a firearm. It is something simple but the time we spend on the range together is something that he really enjoys and he is always bugging me to go back and shoot some more.

Right after they took off I fell fast asleep in the recliner waking up at about 8pm to the sound of thunder rolling through the valley. The start of one of the most voracious storms I have been through in some time. It dumped 3"+ of rain before blowing through and spawned a good dozen or so tornadoes across the front. Just when we thought it was all over the roof in the rec room started leaking and not just a drip, a steady stream. So know I will have to call someone to take a look and see where it is coming from.

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