
My son did finally get to call last night and we had a good conversation. He sounds like he is having a good time but at the same time he sounds like he is ready to come home. It also seems his mother has disabled long distance on their phone so that he had trouble calling out. However one of the things we had taught him some time ago was how to make a collect call and that is how he finally called last night.

I also plan on speaking with his mother today and asking why all of the sudden they have no long distance plan on the phone. That is unacceptable and also a violation of the custody agreement. Of course this is the kind of shit she pulls all the time so I am really not surprised.


Saija said...

awww, the poor guy ... i'm glad that you were able to talk to him ... i'm sure he misses you guys lots ...

Anonymous said...

He did sound good and he spent a good deal of the conversation talking to his little brother, which I am sure cheered them both up. A little more then a month though and he will be home.