
A little more rain...

Another day and another severe storm warning. Right now the storms are about 20-25 minutes south-south east of us and moving in quickly. Apparently they are coming in hard and fast with winds in excess of 60mph right now so who knows what we will be getting.

I was expecting a nice day and had not checked the weather until my wife mentioned the clouds but this would certainly explain this pounding headache I have had all day. I took the midrin early on and then took the second dose later and it helped it from turning into a vicious headache. I will take a day long headache like that though over one of those that sends me to the hospital, those flat out suck. Nothing better then forgetting where you are as you throw up on everything.

The back has been good today but the left foot has had that shooting electrical pain. It is really interesting because it feels like you are being electrocuted with low a voltage current and someone is turning it off and on at a few second intervals. It is something that is more of a nuisance then painful but if it does go on long enough, usually a day or so, it does start to become painful. Only problem there is you don't know if it is going to be 30 minutes or 3 days when it starts so you just have to ride it out.

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