
Some rest and relaxation...

A good night sleep for a change!

I was so frustrated last night that I could not even see straight. I do not lie being like that and am glad the day is over. My lovely wife, who should be Sainted, saved the day when she got home. She has promised to take our son to see Star Wars before he left for Colorado for the summer and had planned on doing so last night. When she got home and saw how fried I was she told me to go instead.

Now I feel bad that she missed the show she has been waiting to see but even just that 2 hours out of the house was wonderful. The theater was almost empty, rare for this movie and a Friday night, but that also meant I did not have to listen to everyone around me explain what was going on or commenting on everything under the sun during the show. I did feel bad though as we only had enough money for the tickets so my son did was not able to get the customary load of crap, popcorn and candy that an 11 year old expects at the movies.

When we left the theater there was a spectacular lighting storm going on and as I was hobbling to the car it started to pour. Of course my son took off running for the car as I continued to hobble my way there. What he did forget is that while he might run to the car, I had the keys to open the doors and you get just as wet standing there waiting for me as you do if you had to walk in the rain. Muwhahahaha...

His mother is supposed to be here this afternoon to pick him up which means that I must have gotten through to her. This was one of the days she claimed she could not make it because as she told me, "I have something else I need to do." She called yesterday to say she changed those plans and will be here this afternoon with her husband to pick him up.

He is all set for his road trip, as this is a 9 hour trip, with his MP3 player and extra batteries, a portable DVD player his grandmother sent him a few years ago and some books to read. He should be good to go and is certainly better off then when my folks used to load my sister, myself and my brother in to the family truckster and haul us across the country as kids.

Back then we did not have AC in the car, or dad just did not use it, we had no portable DVD players, no MP3's although we did have 1 walkman for the 3 of us, and nothing but books and crayons to play with. Being a military brat we spent MANY hours in the back seat of that old Plymouth Volare wagon. The one with the pleather seats which when heated properly by the sun would burn the very skin from your legs and it had absolutely no room for the 3 of us in the back seat. My family is a bunch of amazons if you did not know that, at 6' tall I am the short one so we were like sardines packed into that thing for hours on end. My dad was one of those dads who drove the car from full to empty, there were no stops in between. Of course this was also in the days of "we did not know any better" so every now and then one of us would crawl into the rear cargo area and spread out amongst the luggage.

I should also mention that my wife, who should be Sainted, decided that she would go in to work super early so that she could be home to see our son off for the summer. Normally she would get up at about 04:30 for work on an open day but this morning she left at 1am so that she would be out of there by 1pm or so. I do not know many people who would do something like that but that is what makes her extra special to me and is why I love her so much.

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