
A day from hell...

Well not quite but I can say that we could view hell from the patio today.

This has been a LONGGGGGGG day. We have been cooped up in the house as it has been raining all day long. For those not initiated to the US Plains and the rain we get in the Spring it is not some simple rain shower, they come in and last the entire day making even going out for an hour or so an impossible task.

We top that off this morning with someone who decided that 4am was a good time to get up for the day and since my wife worked the morning shift today that meant Dad was getting up as well. Normally this would not be a problem as we would come down for a cup of juice and perhaps some toast and he is off to lala land again. Not this morning however instead he was wide awake and in rare form.

Instead of going back to sleep he decided to play touchy feely clingy boy who did not want to do anything other then sit in the recliner with me. Now I love it when he climbs in to the chair with me and will sit and watch a show with me but on days like today he wants all the space and if you try to put him down he screams bloody murder. I was in such pain from having him in the chair all day that by noon my meds were not even working.

I did everything to try and get him to nap including taking him to the bedroom (where naps generally occur) but he fought it. I finally just gave in and made him some lunch at 11am. BIG MISTAKE! He would not sit in his chair he eats at so I figured I would let him set up his little chair at the rec room table, he wanted nothing to do with that and instead wanted in the recliner. The issue here is that lunch was PB&J, chips and some chocolate pudding. A normal lunch but this was not a normal day and my nice comfy chair is now soaking in Oxyclean in hopes that the pudding and jelly will eventually come off.

We top this off with the oldest acting like a clown all day long. Being cooped up in the house with the added bonus of his mother coming to town in the morning and he has been bouncing off the walls and not listening to a damn thing. He has been a complete smart ass and came very close to being sent to bed at 3pm. Combine the antics of the both of them and then my wife ended up being a few hours late from work and I was ready to climb a bell tower somewhere.

I know, I am bitching again but that is one of the reasons I started this blog. I have some place to vent at the end of the day when no one else really wants to listen. I am glad that these days are not so often or I would have myself checked in to someplace for the quiet time. Actually days like this are a great reason for me to have the I-Pod. Right now I could escape to another room and just relax with some tunes, some Big Band would go great right now. Just mellow out with the lights dimmed and a magazine (the library sells old magazines for .10¢s so we go over once or twice a month and buy a few we have not read.

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