
My first denial...

Well after hoping and praying I got my letter from Social Security today and was denied. Like I said, I was hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

Their reason? I am not disabled enough! Oh, ok. As I have said before, not once during the process did I feel their doctors perform a complete assessment. The psych eval lasted less then 5 minutes as did the physical. Neither went far enough in depth to really assess my complete condition and perhaps that is done on purpose to go ahead an deny the application. I wonder how many people who are denied are told they are not disabled enough?

The good news is that the application was not denied for an application error, even though I did predict if I was denied that would be the primary reason. That means I completed everything properly and that should make the appeal process much easier if I am not fixing those mistakes, I can concentrate on the disability rather then technical errors. I did call and lookup a few lawyers in my area who deal with this and while I loathe having to pay someone 25% of the money I am entitled to I figure I would rather keep 75% then get nothing. We will keep you posted!

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