
This morning was a balmy 65F so as soon as I came downstairs I opened all the windows to air out the house. Who knows when we will see that cool of a temp again until the fall, so I am all over it. I would say that until the sun hit the western side of the house, about 2 pm, it was really nice. I turned on the ceiling fans and just sat in the recliner reading this weeks new magazines.

The DirecTv guy was here by lunch time and squared us away, just as we expected. Even better is he was able to fix some of the things I was never able to get to when the dish was installed. I installed it myself to save the money all those years ago because they charged $200 for the install if they did it. Everything went in fine and all I had to do was add a 4X4X12 to the side of the deck so the dish would clear the roof of the neighbors house. However that was the same week I ended up being hurt and I was never able to finish trimming the line and tacking it down so it has just "hung" since then and while it worked I always thought it would like nicer if it was tacked down. The install tech took care of all that this morning. I am looking forward to being able to record my shows as well this means when the dish goes out due to the weather, which is a lot in the spring, we can just flip to something we have recorded.

I do have to note that my back is going haywire again. It seems that anytime we have a radical change in the barometer I feel it for a few days and after a week of nothing but rain we are now nice and cool outside with the forecast calling for the low 80's all week and no rain. The pain is not so much a burning as it is a rubbing, or more like a grinding, the signs of osteoarthirits.

I stopped taking the NSAID's though since they all seem to make my stomach upset. It got to the point that they seemed to be doing more harm then good so I stopped taking them all together. I would rather deal with the pain a few days a month then the stomach problems everyday. The stomach was so bad that unless I took something for it, like TUMS or Mylanta, it would keep me up all night and it made eating difficult. We also ran in to the problem of finding something to calm the stomach that did not interfere with the other medications. If you take something that coats the stomach lining to prevent problems it will inhibit the ability of the stomach to absorb the medications and pass them through the body.

If the weather stays nice this week, the forecast calls for lower 80's all week and no rain I was thinking of taking my son to the library. It is a short walk from my house so getting the boy there is easy. They also have a great kids section with a story time which my son is finally old enough to sit through.

Speaking of the boy, he is the smartest kid! He is 2 1/2 and we have finally taught him his ABC's. My wife started it all with him brushing his teeth and singing the ABC song. Once he had the song memorized we started reading the ABC book and singing the song while pointing to the different letters. He has also learning to count from 1-10 but we have really just started with that and since he destroyed the book we will have to grab some flash cards to finish it off. Everyday is a new adventure with him and while I have a pre-teen and went through much of this before that was so long ago (10 years) it is like starting all over again. My oldest gets a huge kick out of watching his brother grow up too.

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