
Social Security is one step closer...

I just got off the phone with my social security case manager and they have received the report from their doctor who I saw on May 14th. She asked me to verify some older information as well as update some information from when I first filled out the application since so much time had passed. Doing it over the phone saved obvious days if not weeks from the decision process no doubt!

The funny thing is that I was just thinking this morning about calling her this week to see if they had the report but I was somewhat fearful of aggravating her by the repeated calls of "did you get it yet?", so I am very happy she called. Barring any problems I can have a decision in a few weeks.

However I did ask her the last time we spoke what some of the obstacles might be with the decision being made. She told me that if they had any more questions in regards to the application or about the doctors reports that could slow things up. They would have to take time to review those and then investigate and that could include sending me to another doctor or what have you. She also said that there could be a random audit of the paperwork once a decision is made and that could add some time. Basically we are probably looking at 2-6 weeks with the low side being little if any problems and the high side including time for them to do any extra work they might have. Here's hoping for 2 weeks!!!

I know that they have a lot of first time disapprovals but as I have said before, many of those are not due to ineligibility but rather faulty paperwork, incomplete documents or even the patient not cooperating with the agency (why I do not know but apparently this happens). Knowing that upfront I did my best to make sure that all my paperwork was in order and spent time with my case manger discussing it to be sure. Since she never sent anything back to me for corrections or clarification I can only assume that it was good to go. That means the decision should be based on my condition and their guidelines.

I will be bouncing off the walls for some time to come, so you will have to excuse me. This is a decision that literally will change mine and my families lives. While we are not going to be rich by any means this does mean that when I go grocery shopping I can spend a bit more or that when my kids need new clothes I can buy them what they need. It also means that at the end of each payday we will not be in the hole, which we are right now. We ran out of savings some time ago so coming up with a few extra hundred dollars a month for the bills has become somewhat of a magic act. It might also mean we have a few dollars to put back in the bank at the end of the month. Not a large sum, but hey even $50-100 a month in savings will add up.

Please pray that we receive a favorable ruling.

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