
Rot in hell Edgar Ray Killen

I really wonder sometimes what the hell people are thinking or if they do at all...

Edgar Ray Killen (how come murders always use their full names?) is no doubt evil and was once upon a time a dangerous man who deserves what he has coming to him. I only wish it had come to him those so many years ago when he would have had to time to waste away in a small cell in someplace like Angola Prison.

In the 41 years since the killings of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerne this scumbag has been allowed to wander freely around like it never happened. It has been 41 years since their murders and I can only wonder in all that time what took so long to get this man in to the court room to face justice.

I am mindful after my Michael Jackson prediction of guilty to even hazard a guess here but I am hoping that we do see this piece of shit go to prison, even if it is just for one night before he kicks off and burns in hell.

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