
I have been tagged again...

Well Saija has tagged me to name 5 things I miss from childhood.

1- I miss all the extra curricular activities I was involved in like Boy Scouts, soccer and being an altar boy. My father was involved with the boy scout troop so I got to spend a ton of time with him as a kid. Probably more then I wanted to at the time but looking back on it maybe not enough as I should have. Hitting boy scout camp at Yawgoo Scout Camp in Rhode Island with Jimmy Marshall (Rest In Peace Brother!) and blowing the entire time in the lake rather then earning merit badges (Ooops!). When we were not in scout camp we spent the summer playing in soccer tournaments all over Long Island.

2- I miss hanging out at Phelps Lane pool. Growing up on Long Island in the 70's & 80's meant no air conditioning. If you wanted to stay cool during the day it meant you played in the sprinkler, hit the beach or went to the community pool. The beach was ok now and then but generally they were too busy and you had to deal with all the freaking sand. We would get all the kids together (my brother and sister) and then my buddy T.C. and bike on over to the pool.

3- I miss serving all the weddings at church. This one is kind of greedy though as generally the best man would tip the altar boys $10-20. If you were in Fathers good graces and did not skip your weekly assignments (Altar boys served every mass, every day so you might end up at church more then a few times a week) then you might get 2-3 weddings on the weekend. That meant money to hit Whelans drug store for a bunch of junk and then go to the movies for the day or perhaps over to Massapequa mall to hit the arcade.

4- Chasing down the ice cream man for a sno-cone and some baseball cards and then flipping for cards with my buddies.

5- The innocence of childhood. Where you biggest worry was what games you might be playing the next day and your biggest fear was being grounded for a week. Spending all that time grounded (which was a ton for me) reading everything the library had by the time I was 15 or so. Nothing better then a great book to keep you company!

Just some off the top of my head. I actually think about these kinds of things often as I have 2 kids, both boys. I try to make sure that my kids will have similar memories when the grow up. I want my kids to be just that, kids.

I guess I am now supposed to tag 5 people for this so lets start with Bridget at Seeking Sanity as I owe her from the last time. Then we have to get Raya Sunshine just because we can. Perhaps Gimpy Rick would like to join in one the fun too. Kelly over at ::blogging: mccord style:: and Mare over at Fiberlicious.


Saija said...

i'm chuckling at your alter boy memories ... leo has those too ... making money at weddings and such ... i grew up Lutheran, so Leo had to educate me in on all that stuff ...

AND the keeping cool in the pool memories ... i used to love it when we lived close to those outdoor pools ...

:) fun to hear about your youth ...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the 'tag'! Tomorrow I will have to dig out the old photos. If I could get the scanner working I would share them but for some reason it just does not like me anymore. I have some great shots from when I was my sons age which is also the same summer I first went to scout camp on my own (without the troop or my dad.)

That was the year my buddy Jimmy went with me. He was like the big brother I never had and we had some great times hanging out. Even though he was a few years older then I was he never treated me like the "little kid" and took me under his wing. Obviously life went on, we moved away and he joined the Marine Corp and through the years we lost touch. It was not until a few years back that I was finally able to track down some old mutual friends and they filled me in. Apparently he was stationed in Korea and during a river crossing he and several other Marines were swept in to the current and drown. It was some of the worst news I had ever gotten and we lost a great man when we lost him. I will always miss him but because of exercises like this I will always remember him, fondly too.

Saija said...

bittersweet story ... thanks for sharing ...