
Some fun times with chalk...

We took out the sidewalk chalk for a bit today and played on the front patio. My son got a kick out of having the whole thing to himself as he usually has to share with his brother.

He sat there with his box of chalk doodling away like there was nothing else in the world going on. I decided to sit on the stoop and do my own doodle. I basically ended up "camouflaging" the top step with the different colors while my son was singing his ABC's and stealing all the chalk I had hoarded for myself. I didn't get any pictures of his work but I need to, especially where he decided to walk through my part and then into the house with his bare feet. There are tiny little chalk footprints going up the walk and in to the front foyer.

Now I need to go buy some of that sidewalk paints! The site I linked to is for show purposes only as I have seen them cheaper then that at the local stores like Target. They seem pretty cool and as much as it freaking rains around here we should have a new "canvas" almost daily.

We did not spend a ton of time on the porch though. I would love to do that but sitting on the hard concrete is very much a pain. I can tolerate maybe 1/5 the time I normally can sitting if even that much which means 5-10 minutes and that's all she wrote.

I looked at the blackboard paint but it is not as cheap as you would think. They do sell it is spray cans for about $7 a piece and 2 or 3 would do the trick but I am not keen on spraying that much in the house. I thought about spraying it on some plywood but the best piece they had, BC rated, was more expensive then I was thinking of spending. I also did not like the pieces they had as they were either not smooth enough, were warped or had some other minor issues that would make it difficult to have a good board. I then did a search online to see if anyone has it by the gallon and found this company but for that price I could buy the plywood and all the mounting hardware as well as a few cans of the spray version and still have a few bucks left over.

I thought a chalkboard the size of an entire wall would be cool but it looks like for right now I might have to go with a standard 3'X5' one from a school supply store. Since my wife is off tomorrow I am going to spend some time calling around to see what is out there. I did find a web site on how to make your own chalkboard paint but I am not so sure about that.

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