
My wife's company is having one of their outings tonight and they are doing it at the local minor league baseball game. I don't think this team is in Triple (AAA) or even Double (AA) ball but rather one of the independent leagues. No matter, the field is brand new and tonight they are letting the kids onto the field after the game to run the bases. Not sure if we will stay that long though as my wife has to open the store tomorrow.

We have not been to a game at this field yet but this is only their second season being here. The entire area has just been built up although I must say I disapprove with the methods used to acquire the land, eminent domain. Basically they seized a ton of peoples property claiming it "was for the better of the community." They built a ton of restaurants and some large stores but best of all (I am being very facetious here) they put in a NASCAR track. Yippie! Now they are talking about putting in a casino, like the 8 we have within 1 hour of here weren't enough already.

I have some down with a case of strep throat this morning. No, I have not been to the doctor to verify it but I have had it so many times (I am a magnet) that I know what it feels and looks like. Usually it does not get too bad but this morning it sucks to even just drink water for my meds. I am hoping that the pain meds for the back will help with the throat too making it a bit easier to eat and drink.

Right now my son is insisting that I replay the Go Baby that I recorded on the TiVO. Have I mentioned that TiVO is the best thing since sliced bread, or at least it is in my opinion. I love being able to record my shows and then watch them when I want too. No more of this trying to get everyone in the house to settle down so you can watch a show, or having to deal with kids running and screaming through the room right at a critical point in the show. It is so nice to watch an entire show in peace!

1 comment:

Saija said...

hope the strep is a fast moving one and cleared up soon!

life has gotten busy in my world (and stayed quiet in leo's!) ... company and work ... work and company ...

just getting a chance to visit for the first time in a few days ... catching up on your news ...

re the tivo note ... we have something similar that we use here called a pvr ... i absolutely love it! pause live action kind of stuff ... my very favourite gadget at the moment!

hope your week is healthier!